We are
People of Faith.
On our journey, we
Humbly seek God’s truth together
Welcome all seekers as Christ has welcomed us
Open ourselves to the Spirit
Join with other faith communities in a quest for harmony
and Work together, reaching beyond ourselves
to foster the Kin-dom of God on Earth.
We worship together every Sunday at 9:30am. Our services are full of music and connection. Once a month we welcome everyone to the communion table.
We care for our community and our world. Every month we have a different recipient for our Caring Coins offering. And we regularly participate in community care & advocacy.
We are a growing congregation who offers an extravagant welcome. We hope you will visit us soon!
The Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ advocates for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, and equips UCC congregations to become effective witnesses to Christ’s extravagant welcome.
We are an active and proud member of the United Church of Christ. In the UCC we believe that God is still speaking.